Sunday, November 23, 2008


Argumentation defined.
Argumentation is generally defined as " the art of influencing others, through the medium of reasoned discourse, to believe or act as we wish them to believe or act."

It is the process of influencing the belief or behavior of a hearer or reader, through spoken or written speech, by supplying him with reasons and stirring his feelings.

In argumentation, the medium is either the written or the spoken word and the opposing speakers may not be in each other's presence.

The Two Methods of Approach in the Work of Argumentation.

1. Conviction. The appeal to reason.

The phase of argumentation whereby the arguer directs his words to the reasoning faculty of man.

Purpose: To create belief, or intellectual agreement.

2. Persuasion. The appeal to the emotions, to the feelings, to the will.

The phase of argumentation whereby the disputant directs his words to the heart, to the feelings, to the sentiments, to the emotions.

Purpose: To stir those one desires to influence to act in the way one wishes them to act

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